A Year with The Walled Garden

ONE YEAR AND ONE WEEK ago, my lifelong dream of being a published author finally came true! My debut novel, The Walled Garden, entered the world, kicking off an amazing year of opportunities and encounters I could never have imagined. I want to highlight some of them here, and to say thank [...]

Old Year, New Year

AS CHRISTMAS CREEPS EVER CLOSER on its little cat feet, I’ve been thinking back over 2022, and I find myself filled with gratitude. So many wonderful things happened to me this year, and after several really tough years, I think it’s worth celebrating them. The most exciting thing for me, of course, [...]

Impressions of Giverny

I'M STILL PROCESSING ALL we saw and did on our trip to France in September, and today I’m thinking about the day we spent at Giverny, Impressionist painter Claude Monet’s famous garden. I’ve always been obsessed with seeing the beauty in everyday things, and in Monet’s work, I find that focus on [...]

2022-11-10T14:38:46-08:00November 10, 2022|The Beauties of France, Uncategorized|

La Vie en Rose

NOW THAT I'M HOME, it’s the bread I miss most. I just got back from ten wonderful days in France—Paris, Normandy, and the Loire Valley. I took hundreds (OK, let’s be honest, more like thousands) of photos of French villages, gardens, chateaux, cafes, castles, churches, cathedrals, and of course, the Eiffel Tower. [...]

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